The Most Successful Golf Tournament Yet!

This year's FEI Golf Tournament saw a record setting 112 golfers.  By far the most successful year since the tournament began.  With the success of the tournament, FEI was able to donate over $10,000 to Junior Achievement, the charity it has supported for years.

FEI would like to give a special thank you to our Diamond Sponsors: Brown & Brown, CFA Society of Rochester, Chase Bank, Consiliarium, Ernst & Young and Mercer; our Gold Sponsors: The Bonadio Group, Cochran, Cochran & Yale, ESL, Freed Maxick, Harris Beach, KeyBank and PwC and our Silver Sponsors: Forte' Capital and Power Management.

We would like to also send a special thank you to our Lunch Sponsor, Dinner Sponsor and Hole Sponsors.  

We hope to make next year's tournament bigger and better!